STI Granilux Dot Pads – Concrete Restoration & Polishing
The STI Granilux Dot Pads are excellent for casinos, convention centers, airports, schools, hotels, hospitals, and anywhere else that quick and effective restoration and polishing of concrete is required.
Use for concrete restoration with auto-scrubbers, burnishers, or swing machines.
For the best life, production, and result, STI recommends using the Granilux Dot Pads on a burnisher outfitted with the grey driver. For assembly, attach CASH Dot pad to a white pad of the same size and then attach both to the grey driver.
Used for restoration and polishing of concrete floors
Can be run on auto-scrubbers, burnishers, or swing machines
Made of rubber pad, resin diamond pads adhered to front, and velcro backer
Life expectancy: 15,000 SF (900 m2)
Always use water with Granilux Dot Pads!
Be green – no chemical is required to achieve shine; however, STI recommends Hertron International’s Prime Grind 2 for abrasion resistance, slip resistance, and color enhancement.
Assorted grits available
Granilux Dot Pads sizes:
17-inch & 21-inch = fits most electric buffers and scrubbers
7-inch size = for hand grinding machines
Also, available in any diameter between 7 to 27 inches
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